
Supply and installation of SonTek IQ+ sensor to monitor water levels, flow and volumes in real-time
Gauging Site: Trapezoidal concrete inlet to Monte Baranta reservoir
Site location: Monte Baranta, Sassari, Sardinia, ITALY
Year installed:2013
Monte Baranta, Sassari, Sardinia, ITALY
  • Supply and installation of SonTek IQ+ sensor to monitor water levels, flow and volumes in real-time
  • Gauging Site: Trapezoidal concrete inlet to Monte Baranta reservoir
  • Site location: Monte Baranta, Sassari, Sardinia, ITALY
  • Year installed:2013

Supply and installation of InterOcean Slick Sleuth early warning detection system of Oil Spill
Gauging Site: Rosandra Creek at TalOil tank farm
Site location: San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste, ITALY
Year installed:2013
San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste, ITALY
  • Supply and installation of InterOcean Slick Sleuth early warning detection system of Oil Spill
  • Gauging Site: Rosandra Creek at TalOil tank farm
  • Site location: San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste, ITALY
  • Year installed:2013

Supply and installation of a Radar Level Recorder autonomous station
Gauging Site: Omo River, downstream Gilgel Gibe III Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site location: Sodo, ETHIOPIA
Year installed:2011
Sodo (Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples'Region), ETHIOPIA
  • Supply and installation of a Radar Level Recorder autonomous station
  • Gauging Site: Omo River, downstream Gilgel Gibe III Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • Site location: Sodo, ETHIOPIA
  • Year installed:2011

Supply and installation of a float operated RiverHawk mod. AD375AL to monitor water levels of Seli River
Gauging Site: Broad Crested Weir downstream Bumbuna Falls Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site location: Bumbuna, Tonkolili District, SIERRA LEONE
Year installed:2010
Bumbuna, Tonkolili District, SIERRA LEONE
  • Supply and installation of a float operated RiverHawk mod. AD375AL to monitor water levels of Seli River
  • Gauging Site: Broad Crested Weir downstream Bumbuna Falls Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • Site location: Bumbuna, Tonkolili District, SIERRA LEONE
  • Year installed:2010

Training the ZINWA (Zimbabwe National Water Authority) technical staff with knowledge and skills on the use, assembly, operation and care of hydrometric equipment delivered to PIAs by the SWCSP
Gauging Site: Broad Crested Weir upstream and In-Stream Stilling Well
Site location: Chiweshe, Chiweshe, Mashonaland Central Province, ZIMBABWE
Year installed:2014
Chiweshe, Chiweshe, Mashonaland Central Province, ZIMBABWE
  • Training the ZINWA (Zimbabwe National Water Authority) technical staff with knowledge and skills on the use, assembly, operation and care of hydrometric equipment delivered to PIAs by the SWCSP
  • Gauging Site: Broad Crested Weir upstream and In-Stream Stilling Well
  • Site location: Chiweshe, Chiweshe, Mashonaland Central Province, ZIMBABWE
  • Year installed:2014

Supply and commissioning of Sommer RQ-30 radar Doppler sensor suspended on Spanmaster Cableway mod. G3a for the real-time monitoring of water levels and flow at Roghun HPP
Gauging Site: Vakhsh River gorge upstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site location: Sicharogh,  Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
Year installed:2017
Sicharogh, Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
  • Supply and commissioning of Sommer RQ-30 radar Doppler sensor suspended on Spanmaster Cableway mod. G3a for the real-time monitoring of water levels and flow at Roghun HPP
  • Gauging Site: Vakhsh River gorge upstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • Site location: Sicharogh, Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
  • Year installed:2017

Cross Section Survey of Vakhsh River through the use of SonTek RiverSurveyor M9
Gauging Site: Vakhsh River gorge upstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site location: Sicharogh,  Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
Year installed:2017
Sicharogh, Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
  • Cross Section Survey of Vakhsh River through the use of SonTek RiverSurveyor M9
  • Gauging Site: Vakhsh River gorge upstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • Site location: Sicharogh, Districts of Republican Subordination, TAJIKISTAN
  • Year installed:2017

Supply and commissioning of a real-time monitoring station of water levels of the Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun HPP Dam consisting of a Dual-Orifice Bubbler System mod. HyQuest Solutions HS40II
Gauging Site: Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
Site location: Kishrog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
Year installed:2019
Kishrog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Supply and commissioning of a real-time monitoring station of water levels of the Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun HPP Dam consisting of a Dual-Orifice Bubbler System mod. HyQuest Solutions HS40II
  • Gauging Site: Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant
  • Site location: Kishrog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Year installed:2019

Supply and commissioning of a Hornet Plus Cableway System over 90-meter span on the Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun HPP Dam
Gauging Site: Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun reservoir
Site location: Sicharog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
Year installed:2021
Sicharog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Supply and commissioning of a Hornet Plus Cableway System over 90-meter span on the Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun HPP Dam
  • Gauging Site: Vakhsh River downstream the Rogun reservoir
  • Site location: Sicharog, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Year installed:2021

Supply and commissioning of a Vegapuls 61 radar sensor station for the real-time monitoring of water levels of the Rogun Reservoir
Gauging Site: Rogun Reservoir
Site location: Rogun, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
Year installed:2019
Rogun, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Supply and commissioning of a Vegapuls 61 radar sensor station for the real-time monitoring of water levels of the Rogun Reservoir
  • Gauging Site: Rogun Reservoir
  • Site location: Rogun, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Year installed:2019

Supply and commissioning of a SpanMaster Cableway System over 120-meter span on the Vakhsh River upstream the Rogun HPP Reservoir. The cableway is desiged to position and hold a Sommer RQ-30 doppler radar aimed at monitoring water levels and flow of the Vakhsh Rivwer in real-time.
Gauging Site: Komsomolabad Bridge
Site location: Komsomolabad, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
Year installed:2021
Komsomolabad, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Supply and commissioning of a SpanMaster Cableway System over 120-meter span on the Vakhsh River upstream the Rogun HPP Reservoir. The cableway is desiged to position and hold a Sommer RQ-30 doppler radar aimed at monitoring water levels and flow of the Vakhsh Rivwer in real-time.
  • Gauging Site: Komsomolabad Bridge
  • Site location: Komsomolabad, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan
  • Year installed:2021